PT. Blessindo Anugrah Sentosa was founded in 2010. A chemical company based in East Java, Indonesia. The company is engaged in the production of antiseptic products, laundry supplies, home care, personal care and other specialty chemicals.
PT. Blessindo Anugrah Sentosa was founded in 2010. A chemical company based in East Java, Indonesia. The company is engaged in the production of antiseptic products, laundry supplies, home care, personal care, and other specialty chemicals. Our focus is on producing the latest breakthroughs in the world of cleaning chemicals, as well as providing the best service with the most innovative formulas & world-class quality assurance. All of our products are environmentally friendly products, made from selected materials that comply with industry standards. Not only able to produce superior products, but our production sites are also in following the standards of the Indonesian Ministry of Health.
PT. Blessindo Anugrah Sentosa berdiri sejak tahun 2010. Sebuah perusahaan kimia yang berbasis di Jawa Timur, Indonesia. Perusahaan ini bergerak dibidang produksi produk antiseptic, laundry supplies, home care, personal care dan specialty chemicals lainnya. Fokus kami untuk menghasilkan berbagai terobosan terbaru dalam dunia kimia pembersih, serta memberikan layanan terbaik dengan formula terinovatif & jaminan mutu kualitas kelas dunia. Semua produk kami adalah produk-produk ramah lingkungan, terbuat dari bahan-bahan pilihan yang sesuai dengan standard industri. Tidak hanya mampu menghasilkan produk-produk unggulan, tempat produksi kami juga sesuai dengan standard Kementrian Kesehatan RI.
We offer various services facilitating your needs in developing your private label manufacturing products. Our team can cater for full service production, from sourcing new materials, research & development, custom formulation, packaging materials, design services, labeling, filling, and delivery services.
Kami menawarkan berbagai layanan yang memfasilitasi kebutuhan Anda dalam mengembangkan produk manufaktur label pribadi Anda. Tim kami dapat melayani produksi layanan penuh, dari sumber bahan baru, penelitian & pengembangan, formulasi kustom, kemasan, desain, pelabelan, pengisian, dan layanan pengiriman.
Products we produced has declared as halal products in a halal certificate by LPPOM MUI (Indonesian Ulama Council).
We are committed and proud to be environmentally friendly.
Proudly made in Indonesia.
We contract manufacture goods for leading domestic brands in Indonesia.
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